After that, Eugene had basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and Camp Elliott

After that, Eugene had basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and Camp Elliott

Although the daughter attempts to do so, the father rejects her ending. On the other hand, Paley’s work is about storytelling, combining narratives about stories and story writing. “A Conversation with My Father” can be regarded as one of the most critically discussed stories of the author. Originally, the story was favorably received by the critics who stated that it was one of the most well-aimed narratives about storytelling (Denes). Moreover, many reviewers perceived Paley’s work as an explanation of her own fictional processes and purposes (Aarons 40). The story was also commented for its consideration of feminist themes. In her book, Jacqueline Taylor noted that critics who did not succeed in understanding Paley’s work simply failed to recognize the feminine voice of her story (67). Taylor reflected on “A Conversation with My Father” as comic, individual, and compassionate story. In addition, Taylor observed Paley’s story as an example of the author’s dispute with conventions of male narrative (70). Nowadays, the particular literary work does not lose its topicality. The readers find it thought-provoking and challenging story that will not leave the audience indifferent.

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Order Essay with this Title could be regarded as one of such thrilling and thought-provoking stories. Moreover, the narrative unfolds a topical conflict between parents and children. The language of the author, dialogs, and portrayal of characters are characteristic to Paley’s style of writing. Thus, Paley remains the celebrated writer whose works do not lose their topicality till present days. Book Review "Plagiarism Free Prices From only 12,99$/page

The book Living Downstream (1997), written by the poet and biologist, describes the timely problem of humanity – cancer. The progress of this disease during the last decades cannot be neglected. During 50 years since the middle of the 20th century, the amount of people suffering from cancer in the US has decreased for 15%. A great number of sources show that cancer has become a great threat and, literally, a killer for almost half of adult Americans aged 35 and more. The statistics presented above are obviously shocking and made Steingraber focus on the factors that predetermine the progress of this disease. Among such is the main argument in her book based on the connection between cancer and chemical contamination of the environment. Steinberg (1997) has put a special emphasis on separate natural zones to show that the expansion of the chemical herbicides usage in farming is a great contribution to decreasing the cancer rates.profile paper example Nevertheless, Steingraber (1997) understands the limitations of science and reflects on the issue from different perspectives. She understands that cancer prevention should be according to amount of researches. She pays special attention to cigarette smoking as a well-known factor to influence the cancer incidence rates. Steingraber (1997) also marked out that breast and prostate cancers are more amendable to therapy, in case of their earlier disclosure. Moreover, smoking is highly detrimental, as it causes lung cancer, “favors non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Kaposi’s sarcoma” etc. (Steigraber, 1997). At the same time, to mark out the importance of her concepts, she dismisses the idea supported by American Cancer Society that obesity can cause breast cancer. She writes a lot about estrogenic effects of some chemicals and offers the “alternative therapies lacking estrogen matters”, as those that should be regarded as risky (Steingraber, 1997). In order to provide more supportive arguments to her point of view, Steigraber (1997) quotes the data from some earlier sources. Among such, one can find vitro studies with numerous evidences of “dramatic synergistic effects” of the estrogen environmental substances (Steigraber, 1997). Furthermore, the term that she widely applies when talking about industrial chemicals is carcinogen. Nevertheless, her explanations and classifications of genotoxic and other chemical as well as the distinction between the different impacts of the doses are quite unclear and simplified to use in scientific works. Consequently, the central ideas presented in Living Downstream can be defined as showing the links of cancer and also the environmental changes and also the role of precaution means and pollution control.

The way Sandra Steigraber presents her message is unique. Her language sounds both scientifically and fictionally. The whole story sounds like a fictional detective book, based on the trip to Tazewell County in Illinois, where the author came to investigate the origin of the rare bladder cancer (Steigraber, 1997). As she has grown up in this place, her aim was to find the origin of the disease that she contracted when she was twenty. Such a story makes the readers sympathize the writer and get interested in her strength to struggle and search for the answers and underlying reasons of the problem. Apart from the lyrical and exciting part of the story, it is filled with scientific and statistical data that makes the words and assumptions of Steingraber sound more credible. She marks out a list of evidences that connection between environment contamination and cancer cannot be denied. Steingraber’s investigations and deep studies brought the author to the following conclusions; chemicals cannot only promote cancer, but ruin the endocrine and immune systems of the organism. The studies showed that their impact is deteriorating for both – animals and humans. Steigraber (1997) represents the examples of shellfish and fish liver cancer rates, residing in the polluted water in North America. The observation of sixteen different species showed the presence of the disease among all representatives residing in the polluted water and no deviations among the inhabitants of the pure water ponds (Steigraber, 1997). Another fact that restricts the rising cancer rates from the lifestyle is the progress of the disease among children, who are not depended on smoking or alcohol drinking. The investigations show that cancer clusters are mostly located closer to the factories that pollute nature. Moreover, the rural areas, where the pesticide use is much lower than in the urban ones, show the smaller amounts of sick people. Finally, one can conclude that together with the poetic style, Steingraber “carefully pieced together the evidences” to find the right answers (Steingraber, 1997). Therefore, Steingraber puts an emphasis on the fact that partial evidences can also become the basis for some action against the disease.typemyessays writers In the given case, the very best actions that bring no harm are the precautious ones. According to Living Downstream, it is important to influence the ways of thinking and put peculiar emphasis on the aspect of human rights.

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Paying more attention to the estrogens and mainly to the synthetic ones, one should remember diethylstilbestrol. This substance was proven to be harmful for people’s development of the clear cell adenocarcinoma among daughters, whose mothers used it while pregnant, and congenital deformities among their sons. Among other impacts of this estrogen, the scholars found out that it causes chromosomal abnormalities that can cause such diseases as Burkitt’s lymphoma, chronic myclogenous leukemia, Down, Kleinfelter or Turner syndromes. Additionally, the damage for the carcinogens marked out by Steigraber is an activation or deactivation of genes that can cause a variety of serious or minor mutations. To sum it up, it is obvious that synthetic estrogen and other types of chemicals have a terrible impact on human health that can be passed through generations.


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The idea of the necessity to pay more attention to the harm that the humanity and natural environment can bring to one another is not something new. For instance, in her documentary, “Silent Spring”, Carson (1963) criticized the usage of pesticides. If one would compare the views and works of Carson and Steingraber, it is essential to emphasize that both women have biological education. Therefore, they both have sufficient knowledge on the humans’ and animals’ organisms, functioning of the life-supporting systems and a basic knowledge in chemistry. According to Carson’s views, the “biocides”, as she called the harmful chemicals, have a crucially negative impact on the living organisms (Carson, 1963). Paying special attention to the chemical industry, the biologist emphasized the importance of human relations with nature. The polluted environment was defined as a real problem for people’s health. Hence, thought the works of two women were created in different times, they obviously interweave and touch the common issues. If for Steingraber, the main motivation to reflect on the chemical’s harm was the growth of cancer rates, in the end of the 20th century, Carson was pushed to write her work because of the quick development of the chemical industry in 1950. With regard to the dates and statistics presented in both works, one can conclude that Steingraber probably developed the idea of her predecessor, as they both started out from 1950s, once the chemical factories rose. Being not only a biologist, but a person fascinated by nature in her soul, Carson (1963) drew a parallel between chemicals and poison, too as Steingraber considers them as carcinogens and killing substances. Carson’s reports (1963) are also based on the credible numerical evidences and studies representing the negative impacts of chemicals on nature. The “hazard of pesticides” is defined by the author as a serious problem of the technologies and industries development; the cancer-causing herbicide found in cranberries is a good evidence for it, as well as a good background for Steingraber’s deeper investigation of carcinogens and their origin (Carson, 1963).

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The above mentioned analysis shows that Steingraber’s book is exceptionally valuable and interesting for different readers. Being a mixture of the poetic language and scientific facts, it is a unique piece of literature in this area. Although there are some works that cover exactly the same issues, Living Downstream represents the problem and also the offers to solve it. The scientific evidences and numerous examples have let Steigraber prove that the connection between the environment pollution and human or animals’ health is very strong. The toxins, chemicals, estrogen, radiation, and pesticides are the factors that are more likely to cause the cancer rates rise, rather than smoking or obesity. The terrific statistical data that shows considerable deterioration of the state of human population emphasizes the inevitability to implement the alternative methods of industrial and agricultural production. The essential precautious means are the very best methods to avoid various mutations among the living beings in modern times and throughout generations.

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Order Essay with this Title is a book written in memory of World War II by a United States Marine, professor and writer Eugene Sledge in 1981. It is according to Eugene’s notes that he published in a small, pocket-sized Bible during the battle in the Pacific. This book is considered to be one of the finest and also the most honest memoirs of World War II.

Eugene Sledge was born in Mobile on November 4, 1923. After graduating from High School in 1942, he entered Marion Military Institute in Marion and later was enlisted in the U.S. Marion Corps. After that, Eugene had basic training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and Camp Elliott. Besides, Sledge had additional training in New Caledonia and on Pavuvu in the Solomon Islands. In the army, he got a nickname Sledgehammer. Then, there were months of fighting. Eugene Sledge managed to survive without any physical damage. Nevertheless, it took him years for his soul to be healed.

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After the war, in 1949 Sledge entered Alabama Polytechnic Institute. There he earned a Bachelor of Science in business administration. In 1952, he married Jeanne Arceneaux. The couple had two sons. After that, he became a Master of Science in botany. In 1960, he graduated from the University of Florida with a doctorate in zoology. However, Eugene Sledge is famous not as a good scientist but because the author of the World War II memoir

Sledge devoted his book to a memory of his commanding officer Andrew Haldane and the Old Breed. The book starts with a foreword, prologue and gratitude. The main events take place in the islands of Peleliu and Okinawa. The work depicts the campaigns that were held on these islands. The author began his story with giving some details about his life and training he had before combat.

After months of training, Sledge was assigned to the first Marine Division, fifth Regiment, third Battalion, Company K. Eugene recalled that once while training they were shooting at an empty oil barrels, and when the bullet hit the target, it flew apart into a large number of shards. At that moment he realized with what kind of dangerous weapon they were dealing. Mortar sergeant told him:”Yeah, it’ll tear their asses up all right. But don’t forget they’re gonna be throwing stuff at you as fast as they can” (Sledge 18). Sledge became aware of the main difference between war and hunting. After having survived the former, he rejected the later for the rest of his life.

At the end of August, they were on their way to Peleliu. At that time soldiers could not even imagine what horrifying things they would have to face. This campaign did not get wide recognition. It did not receive publicity, but still it was one of the most bloody and painful battles during the whole WWII in the Pacific. As they were approaching the island, soldiers watched frightening scenes. Huge geysers of water sprang up around them. The whole coastline was on fire. There was a thick wall of smoke. Then Lieutenant cried, “Here it is guys. Just like movie” (Sledge 68). What was happening seemed to be unreal. Eugene found himself the battle. Bullets were flying from everywhere. There were lots of snipers in the bushes. The comrades were dying every second. The most important thing was just to survive.

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a deafening roar of exploding shells was heard everywhere. The island was overwhelmed with disgusting smell of decaying corpses and dysentery. Tropical blistering heat, lasting heavy rains, annoying flies, deep mud made their stay there impossible. Eugene was praying all the time, sometimes aloud. There were also other things that made Sledge feel disgust. It was his comrades’ inhumanity. He saw them extracting gold teeth from sometimes still alive Japanese. However, he had to fight further.

Eugene and his comrades made a conclusion that their battalion would not leave the island till they killed all the Japanese or till they themselves all were executed. They just existed there from hour to hour, from day to day. The only glimmer of hope was to be wounded and sent to hospital or a fast ending of combat. Nevertheless, it continued, and also the amount of victims was increasing. No one could imagine his death. In the combat in Peleliu, they had lost their commander Andrew Haldane. They had never even dared to think that it could happen. Finally, one of the comrades said that they had to move further. On October, 15 they were finally replaced by other soldiers. And on October, 30 they packed their backpacks and were happy to abandon this hell. The total loss at Peleliu was 6526 people (1252 killed and 5274 wounded). However, it was not the end of the war for those exhausted soldiers. The battle in Okinawa happened without any distinction. Its outcome was decided the same way as in almost any other combats. The soldiers determined the end of the battle.

In Part two of , Sledge shows the unique experience of seeing and feeling the war on its most significant level, the level of the ordinary soldier. On June, 22 in 1945, the battle for Okinawa was over. They won it. However, memory of those horrifying events stayed with the men for his or her whole life.


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In his book Eugene Sledge tells the readers about his experience of fighting in the South Pacific during World War II. He writes in a comprehensible style. Perhaps, Sledge’s narration is rather unemotional, but still, Eugene Sledge deserves to be recognized as one of the best wartime biographies writer. Sledge had to live through that nightmare once again to bring the story to us. is unpleasant to read as it is full of horrifying scenes, but we must respect those soldiers and know their stories.

Personally I was shocked after reading this literary work. It showed me war from another, previously unknown for me side. It does not glorify the war. affected me very much. Author’s descriptions gave me the opportunity to see the insight of the battles. I started thinking about all those events and numerous people who shed their blood for our future. I also began to realize the importance of every soldier. In my opinion, this book gives us memory that will continue to live in hearts of future generations for ages.

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To sum up, really takes the reader in the war time; people can imagine themselves real soldiers and outlive all those terrible events. War memoirs are usually very general, but Sledge’s work is very sharp on details. That’s the reason it has wide recognition from historians and veterans. This book is not for vulnerable people. It uncovers the worst aspects of the war. It implies that there is no glory there, but only men’s blood, violence, brutality, and horrors. The Sledge’s work reveals real combat. It shows everything without false patriotism, sympathy, and sentimentality. The book describes the brutal reality of war. This victories cost many lives, and they must be remembered and appreciated in human’s memory.

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Order Essay with this Title is a book that was written by Alan Paton, A south african writer. The novel describes the relationship between two fathers, Stephen Kumalo, John Kumalo, James Jarvisand , and their children, and also the conflict between different races that live in their country (Paton 8). The author writes about the problems of South Africa of that time and about the eternal problem of the generation gap. Thus, two of the major important themes of the story are racial inequality, its influence on the life of the South African community, and also the development of relationships between fathers and their sons.

is a story set in 1946 about the Reverend Stephen Kumalo, who receives a letter from Msimangu, another reverend from the City of Johannesburg, saying that his sister is sick and is in need of help (Paton 15). Kumalo’s travel to Johannesburg leads him to learn that his sister became a drug abusing prostitute, and his son Absalom became a criminal. Together with his brother John, that has also thrown his son out of home, they try to find Absalom, but in vain. Later they learn that Absalom in the company of Mathew, the son of John, and another person killed a white man named Arthur Jarvis during a robbery attempt (Paton 22). The author also describes how James Jarvis’s attitude towards black people transformed after reading the writings of his son, and he no longer felt hate towards those who had killed him.

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The theme of racial inequity is quite strong in the story. During the time once the book was written, South Africa was struggling with the issues of the Apartheid rule by the whites. The white people of the country feared the consequences of the local black people taking influential positions (Paton 21). The black people, in their turn, were afraid of the continued oppression by the whites. The young black men, such as Absalom, moved from villages to find employment in urban areas because the lands were the blacks lived were too poor for any economically profitable agriculture. The white people, on the other hand, ensured that the blacks would not enjoy the natural resources found in their lands, such as gold. The problem of racial inequality was quite important in the described community because it defined its course of development and social life (Paton 29). Such inequality led to the crimes performed by the natives, poverty, and hopelessness. Besides, the theme of racial oppression is topical even in the modern world, which makes the issue actual.

The theme of the relationship between fathers and sons is important as well because this is an eternal question, and most of the times, there is a generation gap between parents and their children in most societies. Due to the generation gap, conflicts arise between fathers and sons. Parents often think they know what is good for their sons, while sons, on the other hand, desire to be allowed to follow their hearts in living their lives. Alan Paton implies that parents of any race love their children even if they do bad things. They may not express their love openly, and they may even act strictly, but parents, in most cases, wish only the best for their children (Paton 10). The theme is important because it shows how the relations between the members of the South African community affected their life and how the younger generation had different views and values from their parents.

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Alan Paton develops the theme of racial inequity through the depiction of conflicts between the different characters in the story. For example, James Jarvis does not agree with his son’s view of the equal treatment of all races. The conflicting views of the white man and his son are used to highlight how not every white person supported racial discrimination and injustices against the black people of South Africa. When Arthur Jarvis dies, the father begins reading his writings, and he becomes convinced that the boy was right. Unfortunately, the conflict is solved only as a result of a family tragedy. Such a development of the theme shows how some instances of racial discrimination were committed due to ignorance. The description of the politics of that time and also the setting of the story in the time when South Africa was struggling with racism was also helpful in the development of the theme. For example, the writer uses the character of Dubula, a black politician, to highlight the fight against racial discrimination against black people.

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The author uses the characters like John Kumalo and his son Matthew, Stephen Kumalo and his son Absalon, and James Jarvis and his son Arthur to develop the theme of the relationship between fathers and their sons. The theme is highlighted by the development for the characters’ attitude towards one another and by the depiction of conflicts between them (Paton 30). For instance, Stephen Kumalo loves his son, but he does not like his criminal actions. As much as he hates his actions, he still hires a lawyer with the help of John, his brother. The author also uses specific language to build the theme. For example, Kumalo keeps asking his son, “why?” (Paton 14). This implies that as much as fathers may not like the characters of their sons, they still love them and try to protect them. John, on the other hand, disagrees with his son so much that he throws him out of house. However, he and Kumalo still hire attorneys to represent them in court. The author implies that fathers may still try and want to understand their sons, even when they disagree with their opinions and deeds.

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Order Essay with this Title , Alan Paton highlights the themes of racial inequity and relationships between sons and their fathers. To effectively highlight the themes, he uses disputes between characters, the depiction of their attitude towards each other, the development of conflicts between them, the setting, and specific language. The two themes are important because of their relevance at the time of the book’s publication in South Africa. With the help of these themes, the author vividly describes the life in this country at that time and also the influence of racial inequality on the social life of the community and relations between its members. Book Review ", Henry James examines the uncomfortable and even painful life realities that people go through. Showing the sad reality and going against such popular ideas, like psychological realism and Romantic idealism, became very popular among participants of modernism. Through the principal character, named Lambert Strether, the author portrays the real-life human emotions and perceptions of life, with all regrets, pains, and hidden feelings. In this book, the author targets the inward characterization and analysis, rather than the plot development. In James’s constant concern is self-awareness. Only the clear perception of others yields wisdom. This essay aims to analyze Henry James’s novel as a clear example of psychological realism. It demonstrates the complicated psychological state of the main hero, named Lambert Strether. Plagiarism Free Prices From only 12,99$/page

Once the novel starts, the principal character Strether lives an ordinary life in Woollett. Being under domination and control of Mrs. Newsome, Strether’s life is calm, dispassionate, and without love and emotions. However, when he comes to London with his ambassadorial mission and becomes friends with Maria Gostrey, he feels something new, something he has never felt before. When residing in London for a few days, he feels a little baffled, as he has left behind his usual position and found himself in different circumstances. He begins to perceive the world differently. He often reflects on his internal feelings and thoughts. Maria Gostrey is surprised to notice Strether’s deep unhappiness of thought. She recommends a man to start being happy, to enjoy every day of his life. However, he considers that only young people can live the full life and that only youth is for joy. It makes him upset, as he understands that he becomes older and his joy has gone. He feels disappointed, as he has spent his youth without truly enjoying it. Strether demonstrates the inner fights and desire to feel the life from all its sides. During the first meeting with Miss Gostrey, Strether is unable to perceive the moments of his life (James and Butler 145). She later changes his mind and evokes his feellings. He feels as if he has never lived before. He pities that, being younger, he has missed the essentials of life and also the valuable life experiences.

Gostrey realizes that Strether is unwilling to be happy. His problem is that he sees Europe through the prism of prejudiced American ideas. He cannot enjoy the life he lives, as it lacks emotional moments. Europe makes it possible for people to enjoy their lives. Paris emboldens every person, even a disappointed man, to enjoy the life in all its forms and displays. In Paris, Strether sees how the art of enjoying life at its fullest extreme looks like. The readers can certainly notice how often Strether says that he has not lived his life to the full when being younger and how much he regrets it. Here, a failure to live a full life is another important theme in the novel. As Maria Gostrey has opened his eyes to the new possibilities, his worldview, and also the attitude to life has completely changed. That’s the reason, Strether advises little Bilham that it is essential to live all he can. He warns him if Bilham does not enjoy his life while young, he will regret it later. Strether realizes his mistake and tells that it is wrong not to live a full life. Additionally, Strether advises to live the life today because later could be too late. He confesses that he has always done unnecessary things instead of feeling the moment of life.

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Now Strether is aging, and he is afraid that he will not be able to breathe or feel the life the way he did. When he comes to Paris, he starts experiencing really intense, and satiate moments. Due to the helpful advices and guidance of Miss Gostrey, Strether tries to move forward. He attempts to forget about the pain and regrets and tries to live his life targeting the present moment. Consequently, he represents the topic for the richly and fully lived life versus the annoying and dully lived life.

The aim of Strether’s visiting Paris was the request of Mrs. Newsone to bring her son Chad back home. His initial intention was to help Chad take the right path, as a business person, in Woollett. However, Strether fails to fulfill this task. He has sunk in the atmosphere of Paris and believes that Chad must have a better and richer life in Paris, than living a boring, dispassionate life, working for the good of the family business (James and Butler 215).

Strether implements the lived versus unlived life by his relationships with other people. When Strether thinks about the advantages of enjoying the life, he starts teaching others, his younger acquaintances. For example, he gives the advices to little Bilham. In Gloriani’s garden, Strether tells Bilham to live his life to the fullest. Of course, he has lost many possibilities to do all that he wanted in his youth. That’s the reason, he wants others to omit the mistakes he made himself. However, Strether is unable and even unwilling to persuade Chad Newsome to leave Europe (James and Butler 121). He understands that ultimately Chad will regret returning to the United States, as well as taking up his family’s business. In the end, Strether chooses to leave Europe with a thought that life passed by him. However, he is still sure that Little Bilham should not make a fatal mistake. The readers may feel that this speech is important, not as much for Bilham but for Strether himself. Of course, he wants his younger friend to be happy. In this conversation with Bilham, Strether expresses his new ideas about himself and his life.

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